It has been a success from the beginning of this Rooster year. Goodocks (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. has officially secured the Boom Marina Banyuwangi Project, which is located in Surabaya, Indonesia.
On 8 February 2017, a formal Contract of Agreement was endorsed in Indonesia between PT. Pelindo Properti Indonesia and Goodocks (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. The first phase of the project design and construction of the Banyuwangi Yacht Club project has been officially awarded to Goodocks. Banyuwangi Yacht Club is located in the eastern part of Java Island, and opposite Bali Island, encompassed with beautiful scenery. This is the pilot Yacht Club project in Indonesia. A total of 42 berths to hold boats, with length between 20 to 30m is being planned to be constructed.
PT. Pelindo Properti Indonesia is part of the Indonesian Government. In response to the 2016 direction of the Indonesian Government to vigorously promote the construction policy of the Yacht industry, the main purpose of the Port of Indonesia, in the Banyuwangi Marina construction is to create an active presence and bring the Bali Yacht Tourism Project to greater heights.
Goodocks is proud to have made the first entrance into the Indonesian market. Similarly, this is also the first time that China's marina has made an entry into the Indonesian market.
After several rounds of technical discussion and business negotiation, we are fortunate to have invited the CEO, Mr. Prasetyo, Technical Director, Mr. Dono, and Engineer, Ms. Elisa from PT. Pelindo Properti Indonesia to the Headquarters of Goodocks in Shenzhen on 10 January 2017. They were warmly welcomed and brought around on visits to our Factory and a completed project site, located in China. Mr. Prasetyo commented that the quality of the Aluminum Alloy Pontoon by Goodocks is of superior quality. He also mentioned that he is very confident that the upcoming Boom Marina Banyuwangi Project would be completed with great success. Eventually, Goodocks (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. was awarded with the meaningful Boom Marina Banyuwangi Project by PT. Pelindo Properti Indonesia.
We are truly overwhelmed with gratitude by the faith and trust that PT. Pelindo Properti Indonesia has in us. We will definitely fulfill this project with International standards.